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dzisiaj: 2 czerwca 2024
w Esensji w Esensjopedii

Archives of the Empire: Volume II

‹Archives of the Empire: Volume II›

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TytułArchives of the Empire: Volume II
Data produkcji17 listopada 2022
Wydawca Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd
CyklWarhammer Fantasy Role Play Fourth Edition, Archives of the Empire
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Just North of Altdorf, not far from the village of Frederheim, the cult of Shallya maintains a Hospice. Behind its imposing walls, troubled souls receive succour, and a lucky few find respite.
One of its denizens, the ‘Lady’ Isabella, worries her carers. Her quill is ceaseless, though few can say what she writes. Despite the best efforts of the hospice staff, strange missives continue to appear in her room. Could there be some truth to her claim that she is collating a truly wondrous collection of writings?
Surely it can not be the case that she is who she claims to be — one Princess Isabella von Holswig-Schleistein, sister to Emperor Karl-Franz I. Some are beginning to wonder…
Welcome to Archives of the Empire: Volume II. A fascinating and diverse collection of articles on topics that cover the length and breath of the Old World. This second volume focuses on those towering walls of muscle and fat, the Ogres, who hail from the Mountains of Mourn but make their home across the Empire and indeed the world. Volume II details new locations, careers, and NPCs perfect for inclusion in your next WFRP adventure.
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