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dzisiaj: 18 czerwca 2024
w Esensji w Esensjopedii

Il Vecchio

Rüdiger Dorn
‹Il Vecchio›

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TytułIl Vecchio
Data produkcji17 października 2012
Producent Tasty Minstrel Games
Wydawca Pegasus Spiele
Info2-4 graczy, od 10 lat
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Opis wydawcy
„Il Vecchio” is set in the 15th century, when Cosimo de Medici – also called „Il Vecchio” („the Elder) – and his family ruled over Tuscany and its capital Florence. The players represent the heads of Florentine families trying to rise their families to power. To achieve this, they send out their family members to locations in Tuscany to perform various tasks, specifically to recruit followers (knights, assassins, abbots) and collect money as both are needed to take control of provinces in neighboring regions; controlled provinces provide power and a bonus action. Another task is to gain the favor of the squirearchy as these favors are indispensable when it comes to getting an official position in Florence, e.g., a seat on the town council to enhance actions in Tuscany, or a noble rank to gain power at the end of the game.
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