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dzisiaj: 13 czerwca 2024
w Esensji w Esensjopedii


Jim Pinto

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Data produkcji3 grudnia 2012
Wydawca AEG
Info2-6 graczy, od 12 lat
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Opis wydawcy
The City-State of Tempest is a lively metropolis – some say the largest in the world – yet behind the city’s cultured exterior, age-old cabals vie for power, fighting one another for dominance in a society ripe with political and economic turmoil. Led by shadowy figures who command a small cadre of loyal followers, these secret societies work in concert to seize the wealth and power of the fabled City-State of Tempest.
In „Dominare”, you are the puppet master of a conspiracy seeking to control Tempest. Agents are the key to „Dominare”. Use your agents to spread your influence through the city, building a network of hidden power to control the most valuable districts and blocks.
In the game, players first draft agents they want. Then, each turn, the players reveal one additional layer of their conspiracy. Each agent is a unique person in the City-State of Tempest, with unique abilities. The higher an agent in in your conspiracy, the more powerful that agent is.
Players spread their influence in key city blocks and districts, use agent and district abilities to further their plans, and manipulate the board to their benefit. Use your agents well, and influence and power will be yours. Use them poorly, and… well, you wouldn’t be the first would-be ruler to vanish into the inky waters of the city canals…
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