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dzisiaj: 6 czerwca 2024
w Esensji w Esensjopedii

Quarriors! Dice-Building Game Set-up Box

Mike Elliott, Eric M. Lang
‹Quarriors! Dice-Building Game Set-up Box›

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TytułQuarriors! Dice-Building Game Set-up Box
Data produkcjilistopad 2012
Wydawca WizKids Games
Info2-4 graczy, od 14 lat
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Opis wydawcy
Players take on the roles of Quarriors – mighty mystical warriors who have the power to capture dangerous quarry from the untamed Wilds! They must conjure the mysterious powers of Quiddity, cast powerful spells, and summon their creatures to battle if they hope to overcome rivals and earn their rightful place as the Champion!
„Quarriors” has the frenetic excitement of a dice battle game, with an added ‘deckbuilding’ twist: players customize their dice pools during the game using resources generated by their rolls.
„Quarriors” takes the best of deckbuilding games without the tedium of shuffling. Take a typical deckbuilding game, add the speed and fun of dice and in 60 minutes you’re on your second or third game trying unique strategies against your opponents.
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