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dzisiaj: 15 czerwca 2024
w Esensji w Esensjopedii

Lords of Nal Hutta

‹Lords of Nal Hutta›

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TytułLords of Nal Hutta
Data produkcji2014
Wydawca FFG
CyklStar Wars: Edge of the Empire
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Opis wydawcy
Escape the oppressive rule of the Empire and engage in devious schemes with the galaxy’s slimiest and most notorious gangsters: the Hutts!
No matter your vice – gambling, luxury, spice, beauty, or other – Whatever your pleasure, you can find it in abundance in Hutt Space, and you can find it in „Lords of Nal Hutta”, the Hutt Space sourcebook for the „Star Wars®: Edge of the Empire™ Roleplaying Game”. Smugglers, freelancers and mercenaries flock to the galaxy’s many Hutt-controlled hives of scum and villainy to fulfill their depraved desires or make a quick profit. Opportunity is abundant, but it comes at a perilously steep price. Anyone who flies Hutt Space lanes and hauls their questionable cargo must continuously ask themselves how far they’re willing to go in the name of cold, hard credits.
In its 144 pages, „Lords of Nal Hutta” offers Game Masters all the information they need to bring the most corrupt and lawless stretch of the galaxy to life. The book places everything you need to base a campaign in this infamous region at your fingertips, including information on over a dozen planets and their history, people and culture, points of interest and plot hooks, as well as local creatures and challenges.
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