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dzisiaj: 24 czerwca 2024
w Esensji w Esensjopedii

The Extraterrestrials Sourcebook

‹The Extraterrestrials Sourcebook›

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TytułThe Extraterrestrials Sourcebook
Data produkcjiIV kwartał 2010
Wydawca Eden Studios
CyklConspiracy X
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Opis wydawcy
Project Bluebook lied to you.
THEY are among us, and have been for some time.
Although sightings of UFOs have increased since that fateful crash in Roswell, aliens have been on Earth for longer than we could have imagined.
Witnesses have described three distinct types of aliens-the diminutive „Greys” with their powerful psychic abilities, the shape-shifting lizardmen that fill conspiracy theories, and the perfect humanoids.
Although Project Bluebook told the public that UFOs were not real, Aegis knows that for the smokescreen it is. The reptilian Saurians manipulate their bodies to infiltrate society, becoming emotionless, authoritarian „Men In Black.” The mind-boggling Greys abduct and experiment, seeking to hybridize and to control. Those perfect humanoids, dubbed the Atlanteans, use advanced technology to wield near godlike powers and manipulate humanity from behind the scenes.
Humanity has long considered itself the dominant species on Earth. Faced with three potent alien races, that position has never been more tenuous. Aegis may well be humanity’s only hope against extinction.
„The Extraterrestrials Sourcebook” is a supplement for the Conspiracy X Second Edition roleplaying game. In it, you will find:
  • Details on the history, culture, biology, psychology, and technology of three distinct alien races.
  • Secrets of the Grey abductions, Atlantean nanotech, and the ancient Saurian clans.
  • Rules for creating alien Cast Members, including hybrid meta-humans, displaced Atlanteans, and peaceful Dreamspeakers.
  • Powerful alien technology, weapons, equipment, and starships.
  • The complete chronology of alien activity on Earth, dating back to 65,000,000 BC and revealing shocking truths!
  • Compatible with „All Flesh Must Be Eaten”, „Armageddon”, „Terra Primate”, „Witchcraft” and other Unisystem games.
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