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dzisiaj: 16 czerwca 2024
w Esensji w Esensjopedii

Enemies Archived

‹Enemies Archived›

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TytułEnemies Archived
Data produkcjistyczeń 2006
Wydawca Eden Studios
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Opis wydawcy
Armageddon, the largest and deadliest conflagration the world has ever known can mean many things. Mankind’s end. Mankind’s moment to shine. Ultimate Darkness. Ultimate Light.
Of course, it also means plenty of foul creatures running around looking for something to kill, taste or render unto oblivion. It may be the End Times, but that doesn’t mean something nasty doesn’t have a moment to spare for you and your companions.
„Enemies Archived” is a cooperative project between Eden Studios and Misfit Studios to add more beasties your Chronicler can use to torture you with. Intended for use with Armageddon, the role-playing game detailing what could be humanity’s final days, Enemies Archived includes 14 new creatures, ranging from three new kinds of the undead known as Arisen, to the waterborne Kraken or the battlefield haunt, a massive specter born of combat. Also included is a new major player in the European theatre and three unusual weapons, including a perversion of ancient magic and an example of cutting edge technology used to evil ends.
The war for survival just got a whole lot more interesting.
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