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dzisiaj: 25 czerwca 2024
w Esensji w Esensjopedii

Sixth World Almanac

‹Sixth World Almanac›

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TytułSixth World Almanac
Data produkcjiczerwiec 2010
Wydawca Catalyst Games Labs
CyklShadowrun 4th Edition
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Opis wydawcy
What was the VITAS outbreak like for the people who were there? What was Renraku Arcology—and its operating software—like before it became a total nightmare? How does it feel to get off a plane and set foot in the ghoul kingdom of Asamondo?
„The Sixth World Almanac” is the ultimate compendium of Sixth World energy, history, and geography. With the most detailed timeline in Shadowrun’s history and write-ups of nearly forty major nations, this book immerses players and gamemasters in the Sixth World deeper than they have ever been.
„The Almanac” is full of Shadowrun firsts, including the first-ever full-color map of the entire Sixth World and new fiction covering historic eras that have never been detailed in past sourcebooks. Open the Almanac and fall into the Sixth World—let the art, the maps, and the writing bring you more completely into one of the most exciting, enduring role-playing settings of all time!
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