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dzisiaj: 16 czerwca 2024
w Esensji w Esensjopedii


Gry (57)  Tylko gry

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Tylko w ramch cyklu:Cykl ‹Warhammer 40 000›
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Wydawca: FFG
Cena: $24,95
When a decadent noble uncovers a heretical artefact of dark origins, the Inquisition is sent on an investigation from his palace to a lost fortress on a distant world. Can you solve the mysteries (…)

Wydawca: FFG
ISBN: 978-1-58994-781-8
Cena: $49,95
„Rites of Battle”, a supplement for Deathwatch, provides a host of additional options for players and GMs alike. This book expands on many of the ideas, themes, and systems present in the (…)

ISBN: 978-1589947993
Cena: $39,95
Beyond the gates of the Maw, savage enemies raise arms against the Imperium. Rogue Traders, backed by the might of the Imperial Navy, must arm their vessels to wrest fortunes from their enemies (…)

Wydawca: FFG
Cena: 20,—$
„The Deathwatch must remain ever vigilant against the xenos. The Enemy Within may tear at the Imperium’s heart, and the Enemy Beyond may threaten the Imperium’s soul, but the Enemy Without (…)

Wydawca: FFG
Cena: 39,95$
The Inquisitors of the Ordo Malleus and the Space Marines of the Grey Knights are the chosen warriors of the God-Emperor, tasked with keeping humanity from falling into darkness. They hunt (…)

Wydawca: FFG
Cena: 24,95$
On the hunt to discover the cause of vanishing settlements and increased xenos sightings, you and your fellow Explorers are thrust on a perilous journey. A great beast has awakened from beyond (…)

Wydawca: FFG
Cena: 39,95
„The Achilus Assault” is an invaluable sourcebook for Deathwatch, and is a guide to the fires of war raging in the Jericho Reach, from the numberless tides of the Tyranids in Hive Fleet Dagon to (…)

Wydawca: FFG
ISBN: 978-1-58994-797-9
Cena: 24,95$
“The Expanse holds treasures beyond anything even a Rogue Trader can imagine. Sometimes the cost of acquiring such treasure is madness and death. I am willing to pay such a price.”
– (…)

Wydawca: FFG
ISBN: 978-1-58994-760-3
Cena: 39,95$
„There are no depths which we may fly above, no chasm we may bridge. It is our duty to fall into the pits, and there drag the unworthy before Judgement.”
–Arbitrator Linger
The (…)

Wydawca: FFG
Cena: 24,95$
Investigating corruption within the Ecclesiarchy itself is as delicate as it is dangerous, but when an influential leader is suspected of heresy, you and your fellow Acolytes will uncover an (…)

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Zuzanna Dulińska
‹Notatki spod poduszki›

Gilles Chaillet
‹Vinci. Złodziej twarzy›

‹Low Moon i inne historie›

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