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dzisiaj: 23 czerwca 2024
w Esensji w Esensjopedii


Gry (15)  Tylko gry

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Tylko w ramch cyklu:Cykl ‹All Flesh Must Be Eaten›
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Wydawca: Eden Studios
Cena: 30,—$
As they approach your home, the evening wind carries their stench through the air. Your dog barks wildly, frenzied by the smell. You awaken from a restless sleep, look out your window and see (…)

Wydawca: Eden Studios
Cena: 16,—$
A must-have reference for „All Flesh Must Be Eaten”, the „Zombie Master Screen” is filled with charts and tables. From fear to weapons to outcomes, every reference that a prepared Zombie Master (…)

Wydawca: Eden Studios
Cena: 24,—$
Where were you?
When the hungry dead crawled from their grave-wombs, when the cities toppled and society collapsed, when the macabre roamed the streets hungry for flesh and blood-where were (…)

Wydawca: Eden Studios
Cena: 23,—
From all corners of the world, they come. Leaving their graves for food, vengeance, or by the command of mysterious powers, the dead walk among the living. As they always have. Some you may know (…)

Wydawca: Eden Studios
Cena: 24,—
At first, you thought it was a plague.
Then you thought maybe it′s an after-school special.
Now you know.
It′s a front row seat for the end of worlds!
„Worlds of the Dead” is the (…)

Wydawca: Eden Studios
Cena: 25,—$
Avast! Thar be ghastly things that sail these waters!
Whether labeled privateers or buccaneers, everyone feared pirates during the Age of Sail. Now the pirates have something to be afraid of . (…)

Wydawca: Eden Studios
Cena: 25,—$
„We few, we rotting few, we band of zombies;
For he today that eats his flesh with me
Shall be a zombie; be he e’er so vile…”
…a grayish blur launched from the shadows. Alexei (…)

Wydawca: Eden Studios
Cena: 25,—$
„My God, these things are dead! They’re already dead!”
Noise erupted directly into Jamie’s brain from every channel of her transmitter – a cacophony of blaster fire squeals, frantic cries of (…)

Wydawca: Eden Studios
Cena: 24,—$
Swords, Sorcery, and Shambling!
Your chain mail armor clinks and rattles as you try unsuccessfully to creep into the underground tomb. The place smells horrid and if not for the dim light (…)

Wydawca: Eden Studios
Cena: 23,—$
The rotten do-gooder face was still standing!
Despite all of the damage Marauder had done, all the rules he had broken, and all the underhanded tricks he had pulled, Crusher just stood there (…)

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Patronaty Esensji

Gilles Chaillet
‹Vinci. Złodziej twarzy›

‹Low Moon i inne historie›

Zuzanna Dulińska
‹Notatki spod poduszki›

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