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dzisiaj: 9 czerwca 2024
w Esensji w Esensjopedii


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Wydawca: White Wolf
Cena: $31,99
The Dragon’s Talon
Existence is war. The Exarchs’ power cannot be thrown off by calm words and gentle gestures. The Banishers won’t relent if they see you’re harmless. Sometimes you need to (…)

Wydawca: White Wolf
ISBN: 978-1588464781
Cena: $24,99
Deep in the Shadows
The night is not alone. Even those few who see into the shadows of the World of Darkness are surprised and horrified at what lurks there. Not every corpse that walks is a (…)

Wydawca: White Wolf
ISBN: 978-1588464866
Cena: $29,99
Nothing out there is friendly.
I mean it.
It’s the golden rule, my man, the golden rule.
„Thou shalt SHOOT the CRAZIES in the HEART BEFORE they come bite the heart out

Wydawca: White Wolf
ISBN: 978-1588463623
Cena: $29,99
Lock And Load
Sometimes it’s about tactics. Sometimes it’s about personal skill. Sometimes it’s about teamwork. And sometimes it’s just about having a big enough gun to kill every last enemy (…)

Wydawca: White Wolf
ISBN: 978-1-58846-435-4
Cena: $29,99
Listen. Can you hear it? The thunder of your soul, roaring within the thousand thousand worlds that exist within you.
Gods are there, inside you. Worlds of dream and knowledge, chains of (…)

Wydawca: White Wolf
ISBN: 978-1-58846-491-0
Cena: $26,99
You people! You people! Listen to me! I know all about this — I know what is going on here. You aren′t healers — you′re jailors! They′re all terrified of us, so they let you treat us any way you (…)

Wydawca: White Wolf
ISBN: 978-1-58846-531
Cena: $26,99
All the leaves are yellow,
All the grass is brown.
All the nights are longer,
Sun goes down.
Crows are in the branches,
Wolves are in the wild.
Others in the

Wydawca: White Wolf
ISBN: 978-1588464408
Cena: $27,99
Suffer Not the Witch
Only a few have the vision to see magic for what it is — anathema. Those who wield this unnatural power must be converted or destroyed, lest they unravel the fabric of the (…)

Wydawca: White Wolf
ISBN: 978-1588463326
Cena: $26,99
„Is there some sort of appeal to being ignorant? Do you sleep better without the knowledge of things outside your tiny boundaries? Perhaps it suits you not knowing why you should be afraid. If (…)

Wydawca: White Wolf
ISBN: 978-1588463296
Cena: $26,99
Heart of the Predator
What’s it like to have the soul of a beast and the calling of a monster, all concealed within the skin of a person? How do you live among the human herd when your (…)

1 2 3 9 »


Patronaty Esensji

‹Low Moon i inne historie›

Zuzanna Dulińska
‹Notatki spod poduszki›

Gilles Chaillet
‹Vinci. Złodziej twarzy›

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