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dzisiaj: 26 czerwca 2024
w Esensji w Esensjopedii


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„Call to Glory”, packaged in a mid-sized tin box, is a fast and fun card game in which players try to collect Japanese characters of different values. When a player has two or more cards of the (…)

After the death of Yonaguska, the Cherokee tribe meets to select a new leader. As always with the Native Americans, the wise elders have the most influence and occupy the highest positions in the (…)

In 1884, the major European imperialist powers – Great Britain, France, Germany and Belgium – were busy struggling to get a piece of the cake that was colonial Africa. At first they sent missions (…)

Strange noises are heard from the Mad Mansion of Doctor Doom. Clouds of all colors come out of the chimney, and people tell weird stories about crazy creatures seen in the forest around the (…)

New York, 1935 – You are a cunning top criminal with a plan that just can’t fail. You need only a number of thieves and other scum to put these plans into practice. Fortunately, the city is (…)

„Kite Fight” includes three games in one box, with players using the kite, wind and lightning cards in different ways depending on what they’re playing. The games included are:
  • „Catch the

Everybody is fond of teasing and challenging each other from time to time. In this game you try to saddle opposing players with negative cards, and every little devil scores a penalty point. But (…)

In „Lost Temple”, the players are explorers looking for a mysterious lost temple. To find it, they must cross the jungle and get help from the indigenous people. The first player to reach the (…)

Wydawca: Bard
„Łowcy smoków” to gra o przebiegłości i dyplomacji w świecie, gdzie za każdym rogiem spotykamy smoki.
Każdy z graczy prowadzi drużynę łowców smoków – wojowniczkę, rycerza, złodzieja i (…)

Wydawca: Lacerta
Połowa XIX wieku to czas, w którym na terenie Montany pojawiają się pierwsze stałe osady. Liczni poszukiwacze szczęścia przybywają w te okolice w swoich karawanach, z nadzieją na znalezienie (…)

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Patronaty Esensji

Zuzanna Dulińska
‹Notatki spod poduszki›

‹Low Moon i inne historie›

Gilles Chaillet
‹Vinci. Złodziej twarzy›

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