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dzisiaj: 2 czerwca 2024
w Esensji w Esensjopedii


Gry (57)  Tylko gry

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Tylko w ramch cyklu:Cykl ‹Warhammer 40 000›
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Wydawca: FFG
ISBN: 978-1589947115
Cena: $49,95
New rules, new Ascended Careers, all manner of essential gear, and an extensive Games Mastery section makes Ascension an ideal supplement for both players and Game Masters.
Advanced character (…)

Wydawca: FFG
ISBN: 978-1589945494
Cena: $49,95
From the mysterious Ragged Oracle of Seedworld AFG-218 to the horrors of the Maletek Stalker, „The Radical’s Handbook” contains a wealth of background information and game mechanics to enrich (…)

Wydawca: FFG
Cena: $49,95
Many a foolhardy Rogue Trader has passed through the Maw, never to be seen again. Avoid their fate! Equip yourselves with the tools and abilities any worthy Rogue Trader needs to (…)

Wydawca: FFG
Cena: 19,95
Guide your players down the path of Chaos with „The Game Master’s Kit” for Black Crusade! This helpful resource features a sturdy Game Master’s screen, displaying stunning Black Crusade art on (…)

Wydawca: FFG
ISBN: 978-1589947955
Cena: 39,95$
In „Edge of the Abyss”, a supplement for Rogue Trader, detailed descriptions of the Expanse’s famous worlds allow players and GMs to plan new Endeavours and adventures. Fight across the frozen (…)

Wydawca: FFG
ISBN: 978-1589947962
Cena: 24,95$
„The Frozen Reaches” is an adventure for Rogue Trader that throws the Explorers before an impending Ork invasion as they work to save the planet of Damaris. But first, they will need to organize (…)

Wydawca: FFG
Cena: 19,95$
„The Game Master’s Kit” will help keep a Kill-team’s Missions from going astray! It comes complete with a sturdy GM screen featuring stunning Deathwatch artwork and useful tables, charts, rules, (…)

Wydawca: FFG
ISBN: 978-1589947801
Cena: 19,95$
On the savage Feral World of Aurum, a proud colony of warriors resists the pull of the Imperium, and their assistance is vital in the face of new foes. Meanwhile, a city beneath the sea might (…)

Wydawca: FFG
Cena: 39,95$
The light of the God-Emperor stands between humanity and destruction. Against myriad enemies, the Ecclesiarchy defends the faith with bolt, chain, and flame.
„Blood of Martyrs” contains new (…)

Wydawca: FFG
Cena: 59,95
The intoxicating lure of Chaos leads untold millions down the path of corruption, and the noblest of intentions offers little protection against its dark influence. A soldier’s bloodlust, a (…)

« 1 2 3 4 6 »


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‹Notatki spod poduszki›

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