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dzisiaj: 3 czerwca 2024
w Esensji w Esensjopedii


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Wydawca: Triple Ace Games
This book contains a collection of four Novice fantasy adventures designed for the popular Hellfrost setting. Each adventure gives detailed information for the GM and includes all the story (…)

Wydawca: Triple Ace Games
Lost but not completely forgotten, the City of Paraxus lies in the Barony of Cul and is rumoured to hold the hidden knowledge of the Heligi people, a long extinct people. Can the heroes find the (…)

Wydawca: Triple Ace Games
ISBN: 978-0981528175
Cena: $24,99
„Necropolis 2350” is a sci-fi horror setting set in the 24th century. In these dark days, mankind, divided into two main camps, stands on the brink of extinction.
The focus of the game is on (…)

Wydawca: Triple Ace Games
Welcome to „Saga of the Frost Giants"!
„Shadow of Darkness": Joining a caravan as guards is a way to earn good money, though it is not without its risks. Having signed up as guards, the (…)

Wydawca: Triple Ace Games
ISBN: 978-0857440129
„Sundered Skies: Compendium 1” contains 4 thrilling adventures full of peril, horror and madness.
A shattered world. A thousand floating islands. A constant glow of madness. Sundered Skies (…)

Wydawca: Triple Ace Games
„Sundered Skies: Compendium 2” contains the „Songs of Remorse” mini-campaign plus a bonus adventure! A shattered world. A thousand floating islands. A constant glow of madness.
Sundered Skies (…)

Wydawca: Triple Ace Games
Cena: 19,99$
In 1865, Lewis Carroll introduced the world to the delightful nonsense of „Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”, and followed up with „Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There” in 1871. (…)


Patronaty Esensji

Zuzanna Dulińska
‹Notatki spod poduszki›

‹Low Moon i inne historie›

Gilles Chaillet
‹Vinci. Złodziej twarzy›

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