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dzisiaj: 11 czerwca 2024
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Wydawca: Mongoose Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-907702-92-1
The first in a new Open Content series for the Legend RPG, Arcania of Legend books will introduce different forms of magic into your games, allowing you to pick and choose which is right for (…)

Wydawca: Mongoose Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-907702-82-2
An adventurer is only as good as his equipment, so the saying goes – and with this mighty tome, your adventurer will be the best-equipped he can be. From new weapons and armour, to the more (…)

Wydawca: Mongoose Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-907702-97-6
Home to over 25,000 rampaging orcs, Skarr is a city of pure brutality, a place of nightmare that even the bravest Adventurer will fear to tread. Built from the ruins of an ancient dwarven (…)

Wydawca: Mongoose Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-907702-90-7
A sourcebook for the Legend Roleplaying System, „Historia Rodentia” takes you to the world of the Brushfire wargame. Animals go to war in a twisted version of the 19th Century. For fans of (…)

Wydawca: Brutal Games
Cena: $24,95
The next book from Brutal Games is entitled „Incorporated Volume 1” and will be a collection of pieces which were either produced as PDFs only, available in Signs & Portents or have been written (…)

Wydawca: Mongoose Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-907702-67-9
Using the core rules from RuneQuest II, Legend is a new fantasy roleplaying game that serves as the basis for a multitude of settings and worlds. 100% compatible with all previous RuneQuest II (…)

Wydawca: Brutal Games
ISBN: 978-1-906508-32-6
Cena: £21,99
War is here. Though the Corporations no longer seek openly to annihilate each other in world-scarring battle, skirmishes flare along countless fronts not drawn on any map. From grimy alleys to (…)

Wydawca: Mongoose Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-907702-68-6
Foes, beasts and creatures from every corner of the world can be found in this tome, ready to use in your games of Legend! Whether you are looking to populate your world with rare and exotic (…)

Wydawca: Mongoose Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-908460-01-1
’A pyrate is Hostis humanis generis, a common Enemy, with whom neither Faith nor Oath is kept… if Pyracy be committed on the Ocean, and the Pyrates in the attempt be overcome, the Captors may, (…)

1 2 »


Patronaty Esensji

‹Low Moon i inne historie›

Zuzanna Dulińska
‹Notatki spod poduszki›

Gilles Chaillet
‹Vinci. Złodziej twarzy›

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