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dzisiaj: 28 czerwca 2024
w Esensji w Esensjopedii


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Wydawca: Eden Studios
Cena: 30,—$
Just found out you’re the Slayer, and feeling a bit overwhelmed?
Never fear, it’s all right here in Technicolor goodness: the dos, the don’ts, the whys, the wherefores, even a few what’s (…)

Wydawca: Eden Studios
Cena: 40,—
From the creators of „All Flesh Must Be Eaten”, similar in style but this time… with apes! „Terra Primate” has no specific setting. The only constant is the concept of intelligent apes. Planet of (…)

Wydawca: Eden Studios
Cena: 15,—$
Send more… Archetypes?
Ever had a new player show up without a character?
Ever needed a new party fast since zombies munched down on the old one?
Ever needed instant characters for a (…)

Wydawca: Eden Studios
Cena: 15,—$
When Hell is full of dead Archetypes… just open up this tome and hand out more!
Fresh from the brains of our most rabid All Flesh Must Be Eaten fans comes more zombie madness. „The Book of (…)

Wydawca: Eden Studios
Cena: 35,—
Project Bluebook lied to you.
THEY are among us, and have been for some time.
Although sightings of UFOs have increased since that fateful crash in Roswell, aliens have been on Earth for (…)

Wydawca: Eden Studios
Cena: 27,—$
Okay, so you’re not the one and only Slayer… whatever.
With ancient and powerful magicks on your side, you don’t need to be able to bench press a car to fight evil with the best of them. (…)

Wydawca: Eden Studios
Cena: 35,—$
WitchCraft is a game of modern magic and dark secrets. Player characters are the Gifted. Feared for their unique powers, they have been hounded for centuries, and forced to practice their Arts in (…)

Wydawca: Eden Studios
Cena: 24,—
At first, you thought it was a plague.
Then you thought maybe it′s an after-school special.
Now you know.
It′s a front row seat for the end of worlds!
„Worlds of the Dead” is the (…)

Wydawca: Eden Studios
Cena: 16,—$
A must-have reference for „All Flesh Must Be Eaten”, the „Zombie Master Screen” is filled with charts and tables. From fear to weapons to outcomes, every reference that a prepared Zombie Master (…)

Wydawca: Eden Studios
Cena: 23,—$
The rotten do-gooder face was still standing!
Despite all of the damage Marauder had done, all the rules he had broken, and all the underhanded tricks he had pulled, Crusher just stood there (…)

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Patronaty Esensji

‹Low Moon i inne historie›

Zuzanna Dulińska
‹Notatki spod poduszki›

Gilles Chaillet
‹Vinci. Złodziej twarzy›

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