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dzisiaj: 18 czerwca 2024
w Esensji w Esensjopedii


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« 1 2 3 4 5 6 33 »

Blood Bowl: Menedżer Drużyny  (Blood Bowl Team Manager: The Card Game)

Wydawca: Galakta
Cena: 119,95
„Blood Bowl” to zapierające dech w piersi wspaniałe rozgrywki sportowe, pełne złamanych kończyn, wielkich oszustw i czystej brutalności. Drużyny chaosu, krasnoludów, leśnych elfów, ludzi, orków i (…)

Wydawca: FFG
ISBN: 978-1-58994-690-3
Cena: 34,95$
The stadium is packed with thousands of screaming fans, gathered from across the world and eager to see the bone-crushing action of today’s game. As the players take the field, a surge of (…)

Wydawca: FFG
Cena: 39,95$
The light of the God-Emperor stands between humanity and destruction. Against myriad enemies, the Ecclesiarchy defends the faith with bolt, chain, and flame.
„Blood of Martyrs” contains new (…)

Wydawca: Galakta
Cena: 99,90
Noc zagłady dobiegła końca. Niegdyś wspaniałe miasto Blue Moon City dziś leży w ruinie, a wysiłek jego odbudowy spoczywa na barkach nieziemskich ludów świata Blue Moon. W tej nowej erze pokoju (…)

Wydawca: FFG
The once proud and strong Blue Moon City has been plunged into chaos. The Golden Dragon has fallen, the Holy Crystal of Psi has shattered, and the old King has drawn his last breath. Worse, Blue (…)

Wydawca: FFG
The king is dead, and Blue Moon has vanished. The two royal heirs blame each other, and they have called the citizens of Blue Moon City to arms. The peoples of Blue Moon each have unique (…)

Wydawca: FFG
A branch from the Tree of Life has the power to stop plague and heal illness. Now, you must find this lost artifact, for the good of all Terrinoth in the Bonds of the Wild Hero and Monster (…)

Wydawca: FFG
ISBN: 978-1-58994-760-3
Cena: 39,95$
„There are no depths which we may fly above, no chasm we may bridge. It is our duty to fall into the pits, and there drag the unworthy before Judgement.”
–Arbitrator Linger
The (…)

Wydawca: FFG
ISBN: 978-1-61661-134-7
Cena: 29,95$
Reports of attacks on the riverlands by a marauding army have reached King’s Landing. For the sake of honor, a group of soldiers and nobles have been tasked with bringing these outlaws in to face (…)

Wydawca: FFG
Venture into the unknown with „Mansions of Madness: Call of the Wild"! Five new scenarios and eleven double-sided board tiles plunge investigators into the mysterious backwoods, shaking the (…)

« 1 2 3 4 5 6 33 »


Patronaty Esensji

‹Low Moon i inne historie›

Gilles Chaillet
‹Vinci. Złodziej twarzy›

Zuzanna Dulińska
‹Notatki spod poduszki›

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