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dzisiaj: 18 czerwca 2024
w Esensji w Esensjopedii


Gry (6)  Tylko gry

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Data wydania:
Tylko w ramch cyklu:Cykl ‹Cosmic Encounter›
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Wyników na stronie:

Wydawca: FFG
Cena: 59,95$
Build a galactic empire…
In the depths of space, the alien races of the Cosmos vie with each other for control of the universe. Alliances form and shift from moment to moment, while (…)

Wydawca: FFG
ISBN: 978-1-61661-362-4
Cena: 24,95$
„Cosmic Alliance” is the third expansion for „Cosmic Encounter”, and it brings 20 alien races, both original and classic, exploding onto your tabletop. Players will now stand petrified by the (…)

Wydawca: FFG
ISBN: 978-1-61661-039-5
Cena: 24,95$
The galaxy was stretched out before you, and the vastness of space was yours to conquer. But other races sought to fill the cosmos with their colonies, and they used their strange and dangerous (…)

Wydawca: FFG
ISBN: 9781589946866
Cena: 24,95$
Over the years, alien empires have risen and fallen. The Vacuum has failed to eliminate the Zombie, the Virus has spread far and wide, and the Loser has turned defeat into victory. 50 different (…)

Wydawca: FFG
ISBN: 978-1-61661-651-9
The galaxy is trembling in „Cosmic Storm”, the newest expansion for „Cosmic Encounter”. With twenty-five new aliens and thirty-five new cards, Cosmic Storm adds more variety than ever. The (…)

Wydawca: FFG
The fifth expansion set for the Fantasy Flight Games version of „Cosmic Encounter”, „Cosmic Dominion” has the unique distinction of having been designed and developed by the fan base of „Cosmic (…)


Patronaty Esensji

Gilles Chaillet
‹Vinci. Złodziej twarzy›

‹Low Moon i inne historie›

Zuzanna Dulińska
‹Notatki spod poduszki›

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