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dzisiaj: 29 kwietnia 2024
w Esensji w Esensjopedii


Gry (29)  Tylko gry

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Tylko w ramch cyklu:Cykl ‹Ars Magica 5th Edition›
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Wydawca: Atlas Games
Cena: 29,95$
The covenant is the home of magi and the heart of an Ars Magica saga. Much more than just a base camp, its prosperity determines the power and safety of the characters who live there, and the (…)

Wydawca: Atlas Games
Cena: 29,95$
There are those within the Order of Hermes who transmit secrets of magic incomprehensible to outsiders. Pre-eminent among them are the four Mystery Cult Houses, gatherings of magi Initiated into (…)

Wydawca: Atlas Games
Cena: 29,95$
Demons work to corrupt all the people of Mythic Europe. They take on attractive forms, but ultimately they seek to drag all of humanity down into damnation with them. No matter the nation, the (…)

Wydawca: Atlas Games
Cena: 29,95$
In the thirteenth century towns and cities are growing all over Mythic Europe. Covenants that were once in remote forests find themselves within sight of city walls, and regions that were once (…)

Wydawca: Atlas Games
Cena: 29,95$
Legends tell of the mighty wizards of the past, sorcerers with powers that dwarf those of the magi of the Order of Hermes. Hyperboreans whose spells lasted a generation, necromancers of Canaan (…)

Wydawca: Atlas Games
Cena: 29,95$
The third and final volume in the „Houses of Hermes” series, „Societates” covers Houses Flambeau, Jerbiton, Tytalus, and Ex Miscellanea. These houses are formed of wizards who have come together (…)

Wydawca: Atlas Games
Cena: 29,95$
In much of Mythic Europe, magi build covenants in remote wildernesses to avoid contact with mundanes. In northern France — the Normandy Tribunal — this is all but impossible. The wildernesses (…)

Wydawca: Atlas Games
Cena: 29,95$
The magi of the Order of Hermes are not the only scholars and artists in Mythic Europe. In the Greek and Muslim lands, traditions of learning stretch back unbroken over centuries, while (…)

Wydawca: Atlas Games
Cena: 29,95$
Of the four realms of power in Mythic Europe, Magic is at once the most familiar and the most alien. It′s the source of power wielded by Hermetic magi, but it cares nothing for human concerns. (…)

Wydawca: Atlas Games
Cena: 29,95$
Hermetic magi believe themselves to be the undisputed masters of magic in Mythic Europe. Certainly, there are a few hedge wizards, but their numbers and powers are surely negligible compared to (…)

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Patronaty Esensji

Philippe Francq
‹Largo Winch #10 (wyd. zbiorcze)›

‹Low Moon i inne historie›

Philippe Berthet
‹Fortuna Winczlavów #3: Danica 1965 (okładka A)›

Fred Beltran

‹Buddy Longway #4: Daleko od bliskich›

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