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dzisiaj: 3 lipca 2024
w Esensji w Esensjopedii


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Tylko w ramch cyklu:Cykl ‹Basic Roleplaying›
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Wyników na stronie:

Wydawca: Chaosium
ISBN: 9781568823522
Cena: 34,95$
„Mythic Iceland” brings to life the world of the Icelandic Sagas and fairy tales.
The Nordic and Celtic peoples settled Iceland in the 9th century coming from lands with rich traditions of (…)

Wydawca: Chaosium
ISBN: 978-1-56882-328-7
Cena: 16,95$
Things are not what they seem in the dusty town of Devil’s Gulch…
Devil’s Gulch is a Wild West location designed for use with the Basic Roleplaying (BRP) system. It contains descriptions of (…)

Wydawca: Chaosium
ISBN: 978-0-85744-041-9
Cena: 29,99
‘The Celestial Empire’ is an old phrase used in Classical Chinese to describe the Chinese Empire. In the original Chinese writing, the phrase literally reads ‘Heavenly dynasty’ – ‘Large country’, (…)

Wydawca: Chaosium
Cena: 11,95$
Three hundred years ago a brave human hero named Sir Tolwar was slain while leading an epic charge during the height of the Troll Wars. The body of the knight was never found but, because of his (…)

Wydawca: Chaosium
ISBN: 978-0-9555423-8-1
Cena: 29,99$
A Martial Artist’s power comes from life-giving Chi, which suffuses the land of the Dragon Empire. It is your duty to use your martial skills and amazing Chi powers to protect the Forbidden City (…)

Wydawca: Chaosium
ISBN: 978-1-907204-63-0
Cena: 29,99
It is the year 1206 AD. In the city of Riga, a Christian outpost in the pagan lands of the frozen North, Prince-Bishop Albert founds the Brotherhood of the Sword to subjugate the pagans and (…)

Wydawca: Chaosium
Cena: 44,95$
Welcome to Chaosium’s Basic Roleplaying system, a book that collects in one place rules and options for one of the original and most influential role playing game systems in the world.
This (…)

Wydawca: Chaosium
ISBN: 9781568823560
Cena: 14,95$
Magic pervades many worlds of the Basic Roleplaying game system, for in the game every adventurer – every character – has the capacity to manipulate invisible powers. But players will know much (…)


Patronaty Esensji

Gilles Chaillet
‹Vinci. Złodziej twarzy›

‹Low Moon i inne historie›

Zuzanna Dulińska
‹Notatki spod poduszki›

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