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dzisiaj: 28 czerwca 2024
w Esensji w Esensjopedii


Gry (45)  Tylko gry

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Tylko w ramch cyklu:Cykl ‹Shadowrun 4th Edition›
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Wydawca: Catalyst Games Labs
ISBN: 978-1-934857-05-2
Cena: 34,99$
When corpsec is raining lead down on your position, a wardrobe malfunction will get you dead. To survive against gangs, syndicates, and megacorps, shadowrunners need the best gear they can make, (…)

Wydawca: Catalyst Games Labs
ISBN: 978-1-934857-08-3
Cena: 34,99$
„Unwired” is the advanced Matrix rulebook for Shadowrun, Fourth Edition. For everyday users, it explains how the Matrix works in easy-to-understand terms, and provides new software, qualities, (…)

Wydawca: Catalyst Games Labs
Cena: 44,99$
What was the VITAS outbreak like for the people who were there? What was Renraku Arcology—and its operating software—like before it became a total nightmare? How does it feel to get off a plane (…)

Wydawca: Catalyst Games Labs
Cena: 29,99
There is nothing in the Sixth World more powerful than the megacorporations. Even great dragons scratch and claw to get a piece of the power wielded by the Big Ten. If you’re running the shadows, (…)

Wydawca: Catalyst Games Labs
ISBN: 978-1-934857-00-7
Cena: 24,99$
„Corporate Enclaves” shines the spotlight on two very different bastions of corporate power in the Sixth World: Los Angeles and Neo-Tokyo. Controlled and exploited by the iron hand of the (…)

Wydawca: Catalyst Games Labs
ISBN: 978-1-934857-12-0
Cena: 24,99$
In the decaying urban wilds, war-torn cityscapes, and cancerous megabarrens of these Feral Cities only one thing is certain – they all harbor singular opportunities for those brave and foolhardy (…)

Wydawca: Catalyst Games Labs
Cena: 29,99$
Illegal is a strong word.
It means you’re doing something that the government doesn’t want you to do. You’d never do anything like that, right? Or would you?
It might be that some laws (…)

Wydawca: Catalyst Games Labs
Cena: 14,99$
Sixth World scholars have long hypothesized the cyclical nature of magic. For years corporations, collectors and other factions have spent fortunes hunting down surviving relics of this mythical (…)

Wydawca: Catalyst Games Labs
Cena: 14,99$
There are deep secrets in the Sixth World, and there are people who will do anything to uncover them. Some secrets reach into the ancient past, but they still have the power to shake the world. (…)

Wydawca: Catalyst Games Labs
Cena: 14,99$
Sixth World scholars have long hypothesized the cyclical nature of magic. For years corporations, collectors and other factions have spent fortunes hunting down surviving relics of this mythical (…)

« 1 2 3 4 5 »


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‹Notatki spod poduszki›

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‹Vinci. Złodziej twarzy›

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