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dzisiaj: 14 czerwca 2024
w Esensji w Esensjopedii


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Tylko w ramch cyklu:Cykl ‹Star Wars: Edge of the Empire›
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Wyników na stronie:

Wydawca: FFG
Participate in grim and gritty adventures in places where morality is gray and nothing is certain. Ply your trade as a smuggler in the Outer Rim, collect bounties on the scum that live in the (…)

Wydawca: FFG
Keep your Star Wars roleplaying campaign focused on the action with the „Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Game Master’s Kit”. The GM Kit includes a GM screen that keeps a host of useful pieces of (…)

Wydawca: FFG
ISBN: 978-1616616939
Escape the oppressive rule of the Empire and engage in devious schemes with the galaxy’s slimiest and most notorious gangsters: the Hutts!
No matter your vice – gambling, luxury, spice, (…)

Wydawca: FFG
„Fly Casual” is a 96-page sourcebook for Smugglers in the Star Wars®: Edge of the Empire™ Roleplaying Game. It adds new content for Smuggler characters as well as any other characters interested (…)

Wydawca: FFG
ISBN: 978-1616616915
„Far Horizons” is a sourcebook for Colonists making their mark at the fringe of the galaxy in Star Wars®: Edge of the Empire™. With new talents, spaceships, and gear, Colonists will be able to (…)

Wydawca: FFG
ISBN: 9781616616854
„Suns of Fortune” is a 144-page sourcebook for the Star Wars®: Edge of the Empire™ Roleplaying Game that allows you and your friends to explore the fantastic opportunities and dangers found (…)

Wydawca: FFG
ISBN: 9781616616892
„Beyond the Rim” is the first full-length adventure for the Star Wars®: Edge of the Empire™ Roleplaying Game. When new rumors add credence to old smugglers’ tales of a long-lost Separatist (…)

Wydawca: FFG
ISBN: 9781616616809
Scrape together a crew and prepare for the heist of a lifetime in „The Jewel of Yavin”, a ninety page adventure supplement for Star Wars®: Edge of the Empire™.
Set in Bespin’s Cloud City, „The (…)

Wydawca: FFG
ISBN: 9781616616830
„Enter the Unknown”, a supplement for the Star Wars®: Edge of the Empire™ Roleplaying Game, features new content for the Explorer career. Explorers will find all-new specializations, talents, and (…)

Wydawca: FFG
Pursue a criminal mastermind across the galaxy in „Mask of the Pirate Queen”, an adventure for the Star Wars®: Edge of the Empire™ roleplaying game! A powerful smuggling operation has placed a (…)


Patronaty Esensji

Gilles Chaillet
‹Vinci. Złodziej twarzy›

Zuzanna Dulińska
‹Notatki spod poduszki›

‹Low Moon i inne historie›

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