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dzisiaj: 9 maja 2024
w Esensji w Esensjopedii


Gry (33)  Tylko gry

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Tylko w ramch cyklu:Cykl ‹Savage Worlds›
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Wydawca: Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd
ISBN: 978-1-907204-03-6
Cena: $24,95
Pulp is Back!
Grab your fedora and your ivory-handled .45s and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime as Thrilling Tales unleashes the pulse-pounding excitement of the pulp magazines and (…)

Wydawca: Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd
Cena: $34,95
Welcome to Mars!
Not Mars as it is - airless, most likely lifeless, with only the faintest hints of what might have once been a damp, if not necessarily lush and living, world billions of (…)

Wydawca: Pinnacle
Cena: $24,99
All hands on deck!
In the waters of the Caribbean there are fortunes to be made and lost… or stolen. In these times it takes courage and daring to carve out a niche and forge a new legend. (…)

Wydawca: Pinnacle
Cena: $29,99
The premise of „Low Life” is simple, yet hideously complex. See, it takes place gazillions of years in the future. Every calamity that could possibly befall a planet has befallen our lowly Mutha (…)

Wydawca: Reality Blurs
Cena: $34,99
What is RunePunk?
Dark steampunk fantasy like no other. RunePunk is a complete Plot Point campaign setting officially licensed for Savage Worlds and requires the Savage Worlds (…)

Wydawca: Reality Blurs
Cena: $21,99
You think you know every nook and cranny of ScatterPoint?
Think again, jobber. This book takes it to the street as you get an in-depth slice of life of ScatterPoint first hand and learn what (…)

Wydawca: Reality Blurs
Cena: $9,99
Welcome to the Jungle! „Starfall Jungle” that is. A modern adventure of horror-espionage where players take on the roles of the covert Agents of Oblivion, a black ops organization battling terror (…)

Wydawca: Reality Blurs
Cena: $9,95
„Orwell Industries” is the first product in our Powers & Perils line of superpowered supplements for Savage Worlds!
Written by Sean Preston and Butch Curry with the keen editing talents of (…)

Wydawca: Reality Blurs
Cena: $24,99
Mythos Horror, Savage Worlds Style
Whether you seek action and adventure battling cultists in sun-drenched jungle temples, a shadowy mileu of dark words and impossible deeds, or a (…)

Wydawca: Triple Ace Games
ISBN: 978-0981528175
Cena: $24,99
„Necropolis 2350” is a sci-fi horror setting set in the 24th century. In these dark days, mankind, divided into two main camps, stands on the brink of extinction.
The focus of the game is on (…)

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Patronaty Esensji

‹Buddy Longway #4: Daleko od bliskich›

Philippe Berthet
‹Fortuna Winczlavów #3: Danica 1965 (okładka A)›

Philippe Francq
‹Largo Winch #10 (wyd. zbiorcze)›

Zuzanna Dulińska
‹Notatki spod poduszki›

‹Low Moon i inne historie›

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