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dzisiaj: 15 czerwca 2024
w Esensji w Esensjopedii


Gry (4)  Tylko gry

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Data wydania:
Tylko w ramch cyklu:Cykl ‹Buffy the Vampire Slayer RPG›
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Wyników na stronie:

Wydawca: Eden Studios
Cena: 40,—$
Have you ever watched the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" TV show and tried to imagine yourself in one of the roles?
Maybe you thought to yourself „I wouldn’t go up there”, „I don’t think they (…)

Wydawca: Eden Studios
Cena: 30,—$
Just found out you’re the Slayer, and feeling a bit overwhelmed?
Never fear, it’s all right here in Technicolor goodness: the dos, the don’ts, the whys, the wherefores, even a few what’s (…)

Wydawca: Eden Studios
Cena: 30,—$
Birds gotta fly, fish gotta swim, and a Slayer′s gotta have something to slay. Fortunately for her, there′s no shortage of vamps, demons, nasties, and Big Bads wandering around out there. And (…)

Wydawca: Eden Studios
Cena: 27,—$
Okay, so you’re not the one and only Slayer… whatever.
With ancient and powerful magicks on your side, you don’t need to be able to bench press a car to fight evil with the best of them. (…)


Patronaty Esensji

‹Low Moon i inne historie›

Gilles Chaillet
‹Vinci. Złodziej twarzy›

Zuzanna Dulińska
‹Notatki spod poduszki›

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