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dzisiaj: 30 czerwca 2024
w Esensji w Esensjopedii


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Wydawca: Eden Studios
Cena: 20,—$
Shape-shifters haunt back roads and lonely highways. Immortal beings walk the streets unnoticed and pursue centuries-old agendas. Secret societies manipulate world events and decide the fate of (…)

Wydawca: Eden Studios
Cena: 30,—$
As they approach your home, the evening wind carries their stench through the air. Your dog barks wildly, frenzied by the smell. You awaken from a restless sleep, look out your window and see (…)

Wydawca: Eden Studios
Cena: 25,—$
„My God, these things are dead! They’re already dead!”
Noise erupted directly into Jamie’s brain from every channel of her transmitter – a cacophony of blaster fire squeals, frantic cries of (…)

Wydawca: Eden Studios
Cena: 40,—$
Bright eyes, beautiful people, and broken promises fill the fabulous parties and elegant conference rooms. Loneliness, despair, and hunger haunt the city streets and tenement apartments. In Los (…)

Wydawca: Eden Studios
Cena: 40,—
The End of Days!
For decades, warning signs have told of a coming Reckoning. Its exact nature was unknown. Some predicted a new dawn for humankind -- a golden age. Others issued dire (…)

Wydawca: Eden Studios
Cena: 40,—
Alright, you primitive screwheads, listen up!
You’re in a strange land, with strange people, and you’re not thinking too clearly. The natives are suspicious, the leaders hostile, the priests (…)

Wydawca: Eden Studios
Cena: 25,—$
Avast! Thar be ghastly things that sail these waters!
Whether labeled privateers or buccaneers, everyone feared pirates during the Age of Sail. Now the pirates have something to be afraid of . (…)

Wydawca: Eden Studios
Cena: 23,—
From all corners of the world, they come. Leaving their graves for food, vengeance, or by the command of mysterious powers, the dead walk among the living. As they always have. Some you may know (…)

Wydawca: Eden Studios
Cena: 25,—$
„We few, we rotting few, we band of zombies;
For he today that eats his flesh with me
Shall be a zombie; be he e’er so vile…”
…a grayish blur launched from the shadows. Alexei (…)

Wydawca: Eden Studios
Cena: 40,—$
Have you ever watched the "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" TV show and tried to imagine yourself in one of the roles?
Maybe you thought to yourself „I wouldn’t go up there”, „I don’t think they (…)

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Patronaty Esensji

Gilles Chaillet
‹Vinci. Złodziej twarzy›

Zuzanna Dulińska
‹Notatki spod poduszki›

‹Low Moon i inne historie›

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