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dzisiaj: 2 czerwca 2024
w Esensji w Esensjopedii


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Wydawca: Atlas Games
Cena: 11,95$
„Live fast, die young, make a PRETTY CORPSE”
Sporks and weed whackers just not enough for to slake your bloodlust anymore? Looking for a little more madness in your mayhem? Just mix the 55 (…)

Wydawca: Atlas Games
Between two empires is a land of high mountains and dark forests, of great rivers and fertile plains. The richest king in Mythic Europe rules Hungary, but his nobles are restless and the Teutonic (…)

Wydawca: Atlas Games
Cena: 29,95$
Legends tell of the mighty wizards of the past, sorcerers with powers that dwarf those of the magi of the Order of Hermes. Hyperboreans whose spells lasted a generation, necromancers of Canaan (…)

Wydawca: Atlas Games
Even the mightiest wizard of the Order of Hermes once cast his very first spell.
The greatest Bonisagus magus of the age was once taught the rudiments of Magic Theory. There was a time when (…)

Wydawca: Atlas Games
Cena: 35,—$
Imagine an age where myth is real and where the superstitions of the common folk hold true: faeries dance in forest glades, angels protect the Church, demons corrupt the weak, and wizards wield (…)

Wydawca: Galmadrin
„Możesz zostać największym czarodziejem, jakiego Europa kiedykolwiek widziała. Jeszcze nie teraz, uczniu, ale już niedługo. Gdy tylko skończysz studia ni rycerz, ni król, ani demon, ani smok nie (…)

Wydawca: Atlas Games
Cena: 29,95$
The magi of the Order of Hermes are not the only scholars and artists in Mythic Europe. In the Greek and Muslim lands, traditions of learning stretch back unbroken over centuries, while (…)

Wydawca: Atlas Games
Cena: 29,95$
In the thirteenth century towns and cities are growing all over Mythic Europe. Covenants that were once in remote forests find themselves within sight of city walls, and regions that were once (…)

Wydawca: Atlas Games
Cena: 29,95$
The covenant is the home of magi and the heart of an Ars Magica saga. Much more than just a base camp, its prosperity determines the power and safety of the characters who live there, and the (…)

Wydawca: Atlas Games
Cena: 12,95$
The great thing about CRIME SCENES is that you can MAKE YOUR OWN!
Looking for more homicidal mayhem? More darkly humorous stick figure art? Or maybe just some ideas for your crime drama (…)

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Patronaty Esensji

Zuzanna Dulińska
‹Notatki spod poduszki›

‹Low Moon i inne historie›

Gilles Chaillet
‹Vinci. Złodziej twarzy›

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