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dzisiaj: 9 maja 2024
w Esensji w Esensjopedii


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Wydawca: Atlas Games
Travelers tell of lands to the east, beyond the shattered Byzantine Empire and the Crusader kingdoms of Outremer, where sorcerers ride carpets and whirlwinds, where jinn worship and trade openly (…)

Wydawca: Atlas Games
Cena: 12,95$
Live the Legend. The covenant of Fanum has broken the Code of Hermes by interfering with the mundane population of Germany. Their interference has resulted in the near-destruction of another (…)

Wydawca: Atlas Games
Cena: 29,95$
In much of Mythic Europe, magi build covenants in remote wildernesses to avoid contact with mundanes. In northern France — the Normandy Tribunal — this is all but impossible. The wildernesses (…)

Wydawca: Atlas Games
Cena: 29,95$
Secrecy is Power
There are Mystery Cults beyond the four Houses within the Order of Hermes. They keep their secrets from other magi, revealing their knowledge one piece at a time to those (…)

Wydawca: Atlas Games
Cena: 29,95$
Once-proud Constantinople has been ravaged by bloodthirsty Crusaders, and has sunken into depravity and ruin. With the fall of the blessed city, ancient magical bindings maintained by Roman (…)

Wydawca: Atlas Games
Master has been blue lately. It’s just not the same now that all lands known to evil have been conquered — and when Master’s blue, it’s the minions who suffer.
As a lieutenant in Master’s army (…)

Wydawca: Atlas Games
The Game of Unspeakable Incidents and Squamous Consequences
In „Cthulhu Gloom”, your make your intrepid investigators face the most terrible terrors and madness before helping them pass on to (…)

Zemsta Malthorina  (Haunted Woods of Malthorin)

Wydawca: Galakta
Cena: 49,90
W dniu swego ślubu narzeczona elfiego księcia została zamordowana. Oszalały z rozpaczy pan młody poprzysiągł zemstę i sięgnął po potężną magię, która obróciła jego leśne królestwo w (…)

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Patronaty Esensji

Philippe Berthet
‹Fortuna Winczlavów #3: Danica 1965 (okładka A)›

‹Low Moon i inne historie›

‹Buddy Longway #4: Daleko od bliskich›

Philippe Francq
‹Largo Winch #10 (wyd. zbiorcze)›

Zuzanna Dulińska
‹Notatki spod poduszki›

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