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dzisiaj: 16 maja 2024
w Esensji w Esensjopedii


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Nieuw Amsterdam was founded by the Dutch West Indies Company in order to encourage the lucrative beaver pelt trade with the local Native American hunters along the Hudson River. To establish a (…)

„Panic Station” is a paranoia-driven partly cooperative game in which you control two characters in the Extermination Corps sent out by the government to investigate the presence of fiendish (…)

In „Pyramidion”, each player plays an Egyptian foreman in charge of a resource supply for the gigantic construction site of the Cheops pyramid. On your turn, you activate sites and play cards in (…)

In 1347, The Black Death ravages Europe. The ruler of your land has just succumbed to the plague, and now you, the princes of the land, compete against one another in a struggle to replace him. (…)

Howdy, ya’ll.
C’mon in and sit a spell. Let me tell ya about Jack Colty and his gang, and get ya up to gallop on all the interestin’ events. Those filthy drovers and gunslingers are (…)

In 1894, farmers from the small village of Malpaso face the prospect of again losing their livelihood to a band of roving thieves, led by the self-styled „General” Mapache – himself wanted by (…)

Paris, XVIIth century. Cardinal Richelieu is centralizing power in the name of King Louis XIII and defends France against those he considers its enemies: the English, the protestants, the (…)

Welcome to Saqqara (Egypt), the date is about 2125 BC, just before the Heracleopolis revolt.
Set in ancient Egypt in a time of chaos and revolts, „Saqqara” is a game with lots of bluffing, (…)

Long, long ago there was a mysterious village called Blackmore situated in a beautiful forest with giant trees and small forest roads. The town was home to a group of witches, and they lived (…)

In an old castle in a neighboring city, three vampires are hiding. A human investigator is trying to determine which three of nine characters he encounters are, in fact, monsters hiding in human (…)

In the oldest poem of Norse Mythology, the „Völuspá” tells the story of the endless struggle of powerful gods, dangerous creatures, and forgotten races. Which beings will dominate each other? (…)

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Patronaty Esensji

Philippe Francq
‹Largo Winch #10 (wyd. zbiorcze)›

Zuzanna Dulińska
‹Notatki spod poduszki›

Philippe Berthet
‹Fortuna Winczlavów #3: Danica 1965 (okładka A)›

‹Low Moon i inne historie›

Gilles Chaillet
‹Vinci. Złodziej twarzy›

Z komentarzy

  • Lepiej już było?
    @Mieszko - dobre, nie wpadłabym na możliwość odczytania tego komentarza inaczej w kwestii tego, (…)
    – Beatrycze, 16 V 10:38
  • Odtrutka na szkolną traumę
    A ja czekam na wznowienie "Kalejdoskopu matematycznego" H. Steinhausa
    – LT, 14 V 19:37
  • Lepiej już było?
    Wszak to trzy bardzo konkretne, merytoryczne informacje. 1. Huyas Vulva sugeruje. GREG (…)
    – mbw, 13 V 01:18
  • Lepiej już było?
    Ten komentarz zaiste powalił mnie swoją błyskotliwością i merytorycznym podejściem.

    – Beatrycze, 10 V 10:24
  • Lepiej już było?
    Huyas Vulva Harakiri sugeruje! ... ja pier*olę. Ciemnogród znalazł sobie proroka.
    – GREG, 9 V 14:44
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