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dzisiaj: 3 czerwca 2024
w Esensji w Esensjopedii


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« 1 2 3 4 5 »

Krypta Przeklętych  (Vault of the Fiends)

Wydawca: Galakta
Cena: 49,90
Szalony mag Ramalith, zbudował labirynt podziemnych lochów, w których przeprowadza ohydne eksperymenty tworząc coraz straszliwsze potwory. Ukryty w laboratorium na samym dole Krypty (…)

Wydawca: Atlas Games
Cena: 29,95$
Throughout its history, some members of the Order of Hermes have stood out from their peers, whether for their brilliance or for their sheer stubborn pursuit of a goal. They are the legends of (…)

Wydawca: Atlas Games
Cena: 19,95$
A bloody little card game of stick figure mayhem!
Have you ever had the urge to start beating some know-it-all who really deserved it, but were held back by those frustrating social (…)

Wydawca: Atlas Games
Cena: 29,95$
The undisputed rulers of Mythic Europe are the nobility - those high-born who are bound together by sacred vows of loyalty, are supported by the land, and provide support to the Church. Lesser (…)

Wydawca: Atlas Games
Cena: 29,95$
Everyone knows what a follower of Flambeau is like … a master of Ignem magic, a maestro with Pilum of Fire. Apart, that is, from those Flambeau who choose to wield mundane weapons, or who control (…)

Wydawca: Atlas Games
„Dawn broke the mist … in a weed-choked garden when … Abigail LeStrange … with a burning vengeance … used weed killer to poison … Joe Gooseberry.”
Uncover a murder most foul by revealing six (…)

Wydawca: Atlas Games
Tell your own fantastic tales of brave heroes and daring adventure!
„Once Upon a Time” is the award-winning storytelling card game that encourages creativity and collaborative play. One (…)

Wydawca: Atlas Games
ISBN: 1-58978-127-9
This limited printing of the enhanced „Over the Edge 2nd Edition” core book celebrates the 20th anniversary of „Over the Edge”, the seminal roleplaying game of surreal danger that changed the way (…)

Powrót Króla Nieumarłych  (Call of the Lich Lord)

Wydawca: Galakta
Cena: 49,90
Mroczny bóg śmierci i magii ponownie wskrzesił swego najwierniejszego sługę – Króla Nieumarłych! Wezwano bohaterów, którzy przeżyli okropieństwa jego Grobowca i wyłoniono nowych, odważnych (…)

Wydawca: Atlas Games
Cena: 29,95$
You mustn’t call them by name – they are the „good neighbors,” the „fair folk,” the „gentry.” Don’t draw their attention, for those they notice are drawn into their stories, which no mortal can (…)

« 1 2 3 4 5 »


Patronaty Esensji

Gilles Chaillet
‹Vinci. Złodziej twarzy›

Zuzanna Dulińska
‹Notatki spod poduszki›

‹Low Moon i inne historie›

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