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dzisiaj: 7 maja 2024
w Esensji w Esensjopedii

Real conversation with Architect
Wojciech Orliński
Wojtkowi Orlińskiemu udało się dotrzeć do prawdziwej wersji rozmowy z Architektem. Moża ona wyjaśni naszym czytelnikom sens kontynuacji "Matriksa". Prezentujemy w oryginalnej wersji językowej.

Wojciech Orliński

Real conversation with Architect

Wojtkowi Orlińskiemu udało się dotrzeć do prawdziwej wersji rozmowy z Architektem. Moża ona wyjaśni naszym czytelnikom sens kontynuacji "Matriksa". Prezentujemy w oryginalnej wersji językowej.
Wachowski Brothers: Hello, Neo.
Neo: Who are you?
Wachowski Brothers: We are the famous Wachowski Brothers. We created the Matrix. We′ve been waiting for you. You have many questions.
Neo: You bet I have. Like, do you want to screw me up like the Whatshisname guy who played Tank in the previous episode? I will get paid for this - will I?
Wachowski Brothers: Hah! Although the process has altered your consciousness, you remain irrevocably human. Ergo, some of our answers you will understand, and some of them you will not.
Neo: What is this movie all about? You see, people keep asking me that... I don′t know what to say and not look stupid, like someone who actually believes in all this New Age crap or something.
Wachowski Brothers: This movie is the sum of a remainder of various graphic novels, some college textbooks that we still have left from our student days, like "Greek Mythology For Retards" or "The Holy Bible In A Holy Nutshell", a bit of pulp sci-fi and Hong-Kong kung-fu flicks we love to watch.
Neo: You haven′t answered my question.
Wachowski Brothers: Quite right. Interesting. That was quicker than the others. Indeed, we should be more careful with you than with the Whatshisname guy who played Tank.
*The responses of the other Ones appear on the monitors: "More careful? How much will I actually get? Gimme a phone, I call my agent now!"
Wachowski Brothers: The "Matrix" is more stupid than you imagine. You see, when we wrote the script, we just threw darts at random to our collection of books and videotapes, thrown around as a nice pile of rubbish on the floor. Consider yourself lucky - your character is called "Neo". It could bloody well be "Horny Cheerleader IV".
Neo: A script? There is no script.
Wachowski Brothers: No need to be rude. See this copy? We bought it a couple of days ago, at Barnes & Noble round the corner.
*Again, the responses of the other Ones appear on the monitors: "You bought a copy of your own script at a local bookstore? You didn′t write it before the shooting? This is bullshit."*
Neo: Choice. The problem is choice. Why do I always choose flicks like this, directors like you, nonexistent scripts like this, characters like this?
Wachowski Brothers: Your first big screen appearances were, heh heh heh, undoubtely a work of art, though not necessarily the art of acting. A falure equaled only by your flawless beauty, my boy. Look at your juvenile face and come to understand: you can achieve financial success only under strict guidance of two strong, masculine Chicago construction workers. Tell us, Neo, who was your favorite Village People member?
*Once again, the responses of the other Ones appear on the monitors: "You can′t guide me! F*ck you! Ooops, didn′t mean that literally, I′d rather say: I′m going to kill you! You can′t make me do anything! Especially not this sort of "anything"!"*
Wachowski Brothers: Denial is the most predictable of all human responses. But, rest assured, after the sixth time you will actually like it. We have become exceedingly efficient at it.
*Scene cuts to Trinity kissing Neo, Persephone kissing Neo and then back to the Wachowskis room.*
Neo: How strange. I entered this profession to kiss beautiful women, not to - uh huh - have private conversation with two strong, masculine Chicago construction workers.
*Scene cuts to Trinity kissing Persephone and then back to the Wachowskis room.*
Wachowski Brothers: Why do you think women enter this profession?
Neo: No!
Wachowski Brothers: Which brings us at last to the moment of truth, wherein the fundamental flaw of Hollywood is ultimately expressed.
Neo: If I were my agent, I would hope that we don′t meet again.
1 listopada 2003


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„Kobra” i inne zbrodnie: Wehrmacht kontra SS
Sebastian Chosiński

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Powie ktoś, że oparta na prozie słowackiego pisarza Juraja Váha „Noc w Klostertal” byłaby ciekawsza, gdyby nie pojawiający się na finał wątek propagandowy. Tyle że nie pobrzmiewa on wcale fałszywą nutą. Gdyby przyjąć założenie, że cała ta historia wydarzyła się naprawdę, byłby nawet całkiem realistyczny. W każdym razie nie zmienia to faktu, że spektakl Tadeusza Aleksandrowicza ogląda się znakomicie nawet pięćdziesiąt pięć lat po premierze.

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„Kobra” i inne zbrodnie: Rosjan – nawet zdrajców – zabijać nie można
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Opowiadanie Jerzego Gierałtowskiego „Wakacje kata” ukazało się w 1970 roku. Niemal natychmiast sięgnął po nie Zygmunt Hübner, pisząc na jego podstawie scenariusz i realizując spektakl telewizyjny dla „Sceny Współczesnej”. Spektakl, który – mimo świetnych kreacji Daniela Olbrychskiego, Romana Wilhelmiego i Aleksandra Sewruka – natychmiast po nagraniu trafił do archiwum i przeleżał w nim ponad dwie dekady, do lipca 1991 roku.

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Latająca rybka

Z filmu wyjęte:

Latająca rybka
— Jarosław Loretz

Android starszej daty
— Jarosław Loretz

Knajpa na szybciutko
— Jarosław Loretz

Bo biblioteka była zamknięta
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Polski hit eksportowy – kontynuacja
— Jarosław Loretz

Zobacz też

Tegoż autora

Realizm fantastyczny
— Wojciech Orliński

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